I’m not talking about what you do for a living, your social or family responsibilities, or even our personal goals. I mean - WHY WERE YOU PUT ON THIS PLANET? I'm absolutely going to throw up the next time I hear a person tell me they were placed here..."to honor and glorify G_d." Really? No kidding? HOW?
Seriously... to many people (rockstars included) are bouncing around from one thing to another... with no direction, purpose or real motivation. So humor me for few minutes... what the worse that could happen?
Here's what I want you to do... (yea you) even if you think you've got your life all figured out.
- Get a fresh sheet of paper or cozy up to your computer and open a Word Document.
- At the top of the page type or write, “THIS IS WHY I'M HERE!”
- Start writing or typing whatever comes into your pretty little head... don't list different "Jobs" or "Job Titles"... Write sentences or partial sentences... short phrases work to!
- Keep doing step 3 until you find an answer that makes you cry. THIS I WHY YOUR HERE!
When I first heard about this I actually laughed out loud... but, long story short... it took me about 20 minutes to hit the thing that broke me into tears... I'm not super macho... but I don't cry at the drop of a hat either. Honestly, the first few moments were spent working past all the BS and clutter that I had conditioned myself to believe about myself and why I was placed on this earth. You might say the 10 minutes or so were a real mental enema for me....(it might take you a little longer if your really full of .... well you get the point). Alot of "crap" will come from your mind and subconscious conditioning. But when you hit the true answer, you'll FEEL it! It will feel like it’s coming from deep within you. If your a pretty surface, emotionally shallow individual, it will take a lot longer to get through all the BS and fake nicey, nice garbage. But if you keep going you’ll be strike a nerve and break yourself on the shores of your destiny... and it will be emotional. How much, depends on how free you are with expressing yourself. Nevertheless; the answer that breaks you, is WHY YO ARE HERE!
As you go through this exercise, some of your answers might sound redundant. You may even re-list the same answers several times... that's ok... just keep going. Just keep listing whatever pops into your head (just so long as you just keep writing.) At some point, you may want to quit... push past this resistance, and just keep going. You'll hit a few answers that seem to give you a little surge in your emotions, but might not make you cry. Highlight those answers as you go along, so you can come back to them as a specific vein of thought. Each of answers is a piece of why your here... find the common thread that runs through all these kinds of answers, cause you’re getting warm.
Keep going. It’s important to get alone and not be interrupted. I know in this day and age it's hard to do but you deserve to invest this time in yourself. If you keep at it, you’ll get there. When I did this, it took me 20 minutes, I'll blog about it soon. When you find your own unique answer to the question of why you’re here, it will resonate within you deeply.
Discovering why your're here is easy... the hard part is staying focused and not getting distracted with "good" ideas that keep you from pursuing the "best" ideas.
So go for it... what do you have to lose besides a little time? Your just going to surf facebook tonight anyway... why not invest in your inner "rockstar" and CHANGE THE WORLD - GO! >>
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