Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Hello Everyone...

I wrote my first blog last week and it mostly covered "Theological" beliefs or "Religious theory" if you will. My first blog was intended to lay a foundation for the reader or future reader of this blog from which to launch a thought process I call... "Torah for Rockstars." I might also add... it will be the last time you see a blog like that on this particular page. I have other outlets in my life to espouse theology and theological ideas (as i'm sure you do as well.)

This blog's "feel" is meant to be more like if a Rockstar or any other non-religious or common person were to begin grasping the universal principles and instructions of G-d. Perhaps it might even come from the perspective of one questioning the very exsistence of a higher power.

Before wrestling with WHO G-d is, perhaps we could all submit ourselves to some universal truths and work our way from that which is concrete into the more abstract. Perhaps we could find rest and peace in the the things we agree upon universally and then politely disagree on those handful of items that we tend to want to kill each other over. I suppose you should know that my intention will be to shoot from hip, and my suppositions may even seem very random at times. THIS IS NOT A THEOLOGY CLASS! Nor will attempt apologetics or hermeneutics. I simply want to open up dialog. I want to create a fun, off the cuff way to take complex ideas, principles and processes, find out how many things we can all agree or find common ground in and then take THOSE principles and apply them personally in order to change the world. In the process, I may "stir the pot." I may say some things that make you mad. I may make a commet that makes you laugh hysterically. I may say somethings tongue in cheek, that cause you to blush or be embarrassed.

Please understand going in... this blog is written to rockstars and everyday people about universal things we should all ponder and think about. I'm in no way a universalist. I believe in an absolute wrong and an absolute right... I'm simply exhausted from focusing on the really small ways we can't all get along... And I simply want to see how much good we can do if rockstars, pastors, mill rats, house moms and beggars shut up for once and started listening to each other. READY, SET GO!

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